Using our website

We may share first-party customer data with Google such as an email address, name, home address, or phone number captured in conversion tracking tags. The data is hashed, sent to Google in its hashed* form, and used to match customers to Google Accounts.

According to Google Ads’, Google will only use the data for the following purposes:

  • “To provide measurement for all Google media (Search, Video, Display) and platforms (Google Ads, Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360, Google Analytics)”
  • “To combine your enhanced conversion data with data from other measurement products that you use to improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement”

“Google won’t share your data with other advertisers. Where required, we may share this data to meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request.”

*hashed – the string of characters is transformed into another value for the purpose of security

You can learn more about Google Ads’ Enhanced Conversion Tracking here.